Wednesday 4 January 2017


  • Risk assessment in residential construction project in Nigeria using SPSS.
  • Qualitative agricultural product analysis based on SPSS.
  • Analysis of Engineering education teaching in Nigeria based on SPSS
  • Statistical analysis of geochemical data.
  • Hybrid decision models in Non-proportional reinsurance.
  • Delamination in fiber reinforced plastics: a finite element approach.
  • Geo-statistical analyst for deciding optimal interpolation strategies for delineating compact zones.
  • Verification of chiller performance promotion and energy saving.
  • A comparison between theoretical and experimental coverage analysis in SG Cellular networks.
  • Steel pitting corrosion analysis, using a high vacuum epoxy penetration technique.
  • Microbiological analysis of sachet and tap water in Lagos state of Nigeria.
  • Assessing the sensitivity of climate change targets to policies of land use, energy demand, low carbon energy and population growth.
  • An application of wavelet analysis to meat consumption cycles.
  • The finite element approximation in hyperbolic equation and its application – the pollution of the water in the west of Nigeria as an example.
  • A comparison of methods to verify energy-saving benefits for chillers.
  • Analysis for stress environment in the alveolar sac model.
  • Analysis of pupils’ difficulties in solving questions related to fractions: the case study of school leaving examination in Nigeria.
  • Analysis and application of Hydro-power real- time performance calculation.
  • Integration of spatial analysis for Tsunami inundation and impact assessment
  • Assessment of groundwater quality monitoring network using cluster analysis, shib-Kuh plain, shur watershed, Iran.
  • The analysis of the noise generation in Gas Turbine stage.
  • Estimating a falsified model.
  • A new method for finding the Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits.
  • Risk assessment methodology to support shutdown plant decision.
  • Statistical analysis of process monitoring data for software process improvement and application.
  • Endurance analysis of Automotive vehicle’s door W/H system using finite element analysis.
  • Behavior of a composite concrete-trapezoidal steel plate slab in fire.
This is just a tip of an iceberg in comparison with a whole lot of researches you can carried out using SPSS, more are still coming with their abstract immediately the class commences.Feel free to contact me on further explanation on those topics and help on your project work be it undergraduate or postgraduate.

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