Sunday 25 December 2016


SPSS an acronym for statistical package for social science or statistical product and service solutions is a versatile software used by virtually all disciplines be it engineering, medical, pure and applied sciences as well as environmental for conducting statistical analyses, manipulating data, and generating tables and graphs that summarize data. statistical analyses range from basic descriptive statistics, such as averages and frequencies, to advanced inferential statistics, such as regression models, analysis of variance, and factor analysis. It allows even novice researchers to do their own statistical analysis with ease. This program is widely used by individuals with interests in social sciences, market research, health research, surveys, government, and education research. the following enumerate the reasons why SPSS is for you:
  •  For health practitioners, SPSS is a valuable tools since the welfare of the public is their ultimate goal, and with the uncertainty that is inherent in all health and medical related decisions, statistical sciences can play an important role in solving problems of human health & disease. Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) requires medical practitioners to carefully consider all evidence on whether a particular line of treatment works, in turn requiring evidential data to be objectively analyzed. An application of statistical techniques is required to achieve this data. it is very relevant for them when researching into new areas of medicine
  • Social science students despise statistics. For one thing, most have a non-mathematical background, which makes understanding complex statistical equations very difficult. SPSS enable them to carrying out complex statistical problems with just a single click.
  • The relevant of SPSS to Engineers cannot be overemphasized as they use statistical techniques to test and construct models of engineering components and systems, to study repetitive operations in manufacturing in order to set standards and find optimum manufacturing procedures also used by reliability engineers to measures the ability of a system to perform its intended purposes e.t.c.
  • SPSS is of immense important to scientists as they regularly deals with data and those data need to be analyzed so has to apply it in solving mankind problems.  for example, an agricultural scientists uses SPSS as a tool to determine if the differences in variables are real or due to chance also SPSS provide crucial insight into many biological processes, help biologists correctly prepare experiments, verify conclusions and properly interpret  results.
From the foregoing you can now see that you need to learn SPSS. so watch out for detailed step by step tutorials on SPSS using real life situations as examples.

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