Tuesday 27 December 2016


This course is available in self-paced format. At the end of each lesson there will be  quizzes to test your knowledge. This training entails what all discipline need in SPSS in a detailed and simple way using a real life examples. The training has been divided into three levels i.e. SPSS  Level 1, SPSS Level 2 and Advanced SPSS for easy coverage of SPSS. Below is the course schedule for SPSS level 1:

Week 1
  • Introduction to SPSS
  • How to install SPSS
  • SPSS Data editor window
  • SPSS syntax editor window
  • SPSS output viewer window
  • Combining data with syntax and output
  • SPSS - opening data with syntax
  • SPSS data preparation
  • SPSS syntax shortening
  • SPSS missing values
  • SPSS keywords
  • SPSS missing values functions
  • SPSS basic operators
Week 2
  • Descriptive statistics
  • SPSS chi-square independence test
  • SPSS one sample chi-square test
  • Introduction to T-test
  • SPSS one sample T-test
  • SPSS independent sample T-Test
  • SPSS paired samples T-Test
Week 3
  • Introduction to correlation
  • Correlation co-efficient
  • SPSS confidence intervals for correlations tool
  • SPSS correlations without significance
  • SPSS correlation command
Week 4
  • Introduction to regression
  • Multiple regression
  • Stepwise regression in SPSS
  • Creating dummy variables in SPSS
  • SPSS create dummy variable in SPSS
  • How to draw a regression line in SPSS?
  • Regression over many dependent variables
  • Mean center many variables
Week 5
  • Introduction to ANOVA
  • SPSS one-way ANOVA
  • SPSS one way ANOVA with post hoc
  • SPSS two-way ANOVA
  • SPSS repeated measures ANOVA
The training for SPSS Level One will commence on the 9th of January 2017, for notification a day before the starting date supply your email address in the comment box so that notification can be send to you to remain you. We encourage all students to submit questions, observation, and comments in the comment box. If you have any issues while working on the course, check there first - your fellow students may have already found a resolution!

Please remember that the discussion forum is open to all students and staff, and while we love to see passionate engagement, abusive or inflammatory behavior will not be tolerated.

Before them watch out for various research topics that you can undergo using SPSS as well as  introduction to another research software called SOLIDCAM.

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